• 打印机友好版

病人的权利 & 责任


网上买球软件’s trusted team provides Southern Maryland residents with safe, high quality health care and promotes wellness for a healthy community.


We provide exceptional care and make a difference in every life we touch.

Every hospital patient, support person and/or surrogate decision-maker has the right to:

  1. Receive considerate, respectful, and compassionate care;
  2. Be provided care in a safe environment free from all forms of abuse and neglect, 包括口头, 精神, 身体或性虐待.
  3. Have a medical screening exam and be provided stabilizing treatment for emergency medical conditions and labor;
  4. Be free from restraints and seclusion unless needed for safety;
  5. Be told the names and jobs of the health care team members involved in the patient’s care if staff safety is not a concern;
  6. Have respect shown for the patient’s personal values, beliefs, and wishes;
  7. Be treated without discrimination based on race, color, 国家的起源, 种族, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 文化, 身体或精神残疾, 宗教, 语言, 或支付能力;
  8. Be provided a list of protective and advocacy services when needed;
  9. Receive information about the patient’s hospital and physician charges and ask for an estimate of hospital charges before care is provided and as long as patient care is not impeded;
  10. Receive information in a manner that is understandable by the patient, which may include:
    • 手语和外语翻译;
    • Alternative formats, including large print, braille, audio recordings, and computer files; and
    • 愿景, speech, hearing, and other temporary aids as needed, without charge;
  11. Receive information from the patient’s doctor or other health care practitioners about the patient’s diagnosis, 预后, 测试结果, 护理的可能结果, 以及意想不到的护理结果;
  12. Access the patient’s medical records in accordance with HIPAA 私隐实务通知;
  13. 参与病人的护理计划;
  14. Be screened, assessed, and treated for pain;
  15. 拒绝护理;
  16. In accordance with hospital visitation policies, have an individual of the patient’s choice remain with the patient for emotional support during the patient’s hospital stay, choose the individuals who may visit the patient, and change the patient’s mind about the individuals who may visit;
  17. Appoint an individual of the patient’s choice to make health care decisions for the patient, 如果病人不能这样做;
  18. 作出或改变预先指示;
  19. Give informed consent before any nonemergency care is provided, including the benefits and risks of the care, 护理的替代方案, and the benefits and risks of the 护理的替代方案;
  20. Agree or refuse to take part in medical research studies and/or clinical trials, without the agreement or refusal affecting the patient’s care;
  21. Allow or refuse to allow pictures of the patient for purposes other than the patient’s care;
  22. Expect privacy and confidentiality in care discussions and treatments;
  23. Be provided a copy of the 健康 Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 私隐实务通知; and
  24. File a complaint about care and have the complaint reviewed without the complaint affecting the patient’s care.

  1. Have a family member or representative of the patient’s choice and the patient’s own physician notified of admission to the hospital;
  2. Be told in advance about the plan for discharge or transfer to another level of care;
  3. Participate in the consideration of ethical issues that arise during the hospital stay;
  4. Be notified of the existence of any business relationship among the hospital, 教育机构, 其他医疗保健提供者, and/or payers that may influence treatment and care;
  5. Be provided care in an environment free of harassment and exploitation;
  6. Receive treatment without regard to socioeconomic status; and
  7. 病人权利的书面副本.

Every hospital patient, support person and/or surrogate decision maker has the responsibility to:

  1. 提供准确完整的信息, 包括名字, address, 出生日期, 电话号码, 社会保险号, insurance carrier and employer when required.
  2. 提供准确完整的信息 about health, 病史和用药情况, 包括非处方药.
  3. 遵循护理计划并提出问题.
  4. Talk to the provider if there are concerns about following the treatment plan.
  5. Accept outcomes if the plan of care is not followed based on lifestyle choices.
  6. 尊重和体谅他人.
    • Follow hospital rules and safety regulations.
    • Be in control of behavior, unless unable to control behavior due to a medical condition.
    • Be mindful of noise levels, privacy and number of visitors.
    • 避免过激的行为, 敌意和性不恰当, 包括辱骂的威胁, 身体攻击和不雅暴露.
  7. Provide a copy of an Advance Directive if one is available.
  8. 把贵重物品留在家里.
  9. Select a capable caregiver for discharge planning.
  10. 履行财务义务.